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Who Are We?
St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church is part of the greater Coptic– also known as Egyptian– Orthodox Church, which was established by St. Mark, the apostle and gospel writer. SMSK was established in Downtown Toronto in 2011, with the mission of helping you wield the enduring power of an ancient faith while navigating a modern world.
Sundays aren't only about worship — get 'fed' through our Sunday Series talks.
Sunday Series
Every week after liturgy, Father John shares a homily on a relevant, and timely spiritual topic over an 'agape' – also understood as "communal" – meal.
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SMSK — A ministry of love, outreach, and integration in the inner city of Toronto.
Established in 2011, the Church of St. Moses & St. Katherine is a ministry dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. This community was founded on three deep-seated values that we embrace every single day —culturally, spiritually, emotionally, rationally. They are:
1. A faithful community to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, hungry for spiritual growth and desiring to be a healing presence in the neighbourhood.
2. A worshipping community which offers praise, glory, honour, and reverence to God in all things, as is due to Him.
3. A multicultural community ministering to diverse members of the body of Christ, holding a myriad of ethnicities, languages, and lived experiences.
Missionary in nature, our mission is to spread the Good News throughout Downtown Toronto. We do this by nurturing SMSK into a home for the 'unchurched,' and by channeling the love of God in service to our neighbours through humanitarian work.
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